“I’ve been poor, and I’ve been rich, and being rich is better”
Bessie Smith, Blues Singer
The Purpose of
Finance Department
of B.A.C.
The Finance Department of the Black Affairs Council, conducts all B.A.C. fund-raising events. This committee also assists the Comptroller in maintaining an oversight of B.A.C.’s finances, and also makes recommendations on the necessary purchases needed to keep the organization up and running to the best of its ability.

Hello everyone,
My name is Traseanda Jones. I am from the south side of Chicago. I am currently a third-year student pursuing a political science major and a minor in American sign language at SIUC. Within the university community, I serve as the Coordinator of Finance for the Black Affairs Council, as well as serving as a senator for the undergraduate student government. Additionally, I am a student in the trio support service program. Lastly, I am a proud member of the Delta Beta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
For RSOs that are apart of BAC click here to apply for funding or contact the Finance Coordinator of BAC
Please email either of these emails at-
traseanda.jones@siu.edu and/or blackaffairscouncil@siu.edu