George Washington Carver, Inventor

Meet our Coordinator of Registered Student Organizations: Ashley Hinton
Hi, my name is Ashley Hinton, and I am a junior psychology major with an interest in human resources. I help assist all 27 Black Registered Student Organizations, maintaining unified agendas. My goal as RSO Coordinator is to advance and advocate for all Black RSOs!

Meet Our Academic Chair: Jazmine Watson
My name is Jazmine Watson and I am the Academic Affairs Co-Chair for Black Affairs Council. I am from Kankakee, IL double majoring in Psychology and Pre-Medicine with a minor in Neuroscience. My career aspiration is to become a Neurosurgeon. I am a member of Fatal Fusion Dance Crew, and a member of my hometown community Youth NAACP. Transferring to Southern Illinois University Carbondale from Howard University was one of the best decisions I
made for my undergraduate years!
The Academic Committee networks with all Deans and Program Directors on campus, is responsible for programs that increases retention and recruitment for SIUC, sits on boards that impact black academia, and is responsible for the fair treatment of black students in all areas of academics.
The Center for Learning Support Services/Testing Services would like to inform you about the academic resources and support programs that are available to students within our office and campus-wide. Students have access to the following in Center for Learning Support Services:
Tutoring Center
- CLSS Programs & Services: https://tutoring.siu.edu/
- Hours of Operation
o Monday – Thursday: 10am-7pm
o Friday: 10am-4pm
-Group Study Sessions: offered for selected courses each semester. This semester, we are offering group studying for:
- CHEM 140A; Morris Library 722; Tuesdays 5-6pm & Thursdays 5-6pm
- CHEM 210; Morris Library 722; Mondays 5-6pm & Wednesdays 5-6pm
- CHEM 340; Morris Library 724; Mondays 5-6pm & Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm
- Group Study FAQs: https://tutoring.siu.edu/group-study-sessions/frequently-asked-questions-faq.php
- Electronic Schedule: https://tutoring.siu.edu/group-study-sessions/
-Walk-In Tutoring: provide academic services to multiple students in multiple courses within a given time frame. Located in the College of Engineering & Tutoring Center:
- Walk-In Tutoring in the College of Engineering is available to non-majors and majors; will take place in A120 Space
- For a list of courses, times and days for both locations, please see attachments.
-Academic Coaching & Tutoring
- Provided is individual tutoring and academic coaching. Students can complete the request in person or can uses the following links:
- Academic Coaching: https://tutoring.siu.edu/academic-coaching/
- Academic Coaching FAQs:https://tutoring.siu.edu/academic-coaching/academic-coaching-faq.php
- Tutoring: https://tutoring.siu.edu/tutoring/
- Tutoring FAQs:https://tutoring.siu.edu/tutoring/faq-for-tutoring.php
- For a list of courses that are available for tutoring during Fall 2018, please see attachment.
-For a list of campus services, departments, and programs.
-For a list of Online Academic Resources.
-For a list of Academic Apps.
-For information about proctoring and proficiency exams.
For more information about tutoring and the learning support services check out these flyers:
Courses currently offered for Spring 2022:
Contact a BAC Member for any further questions.
Email: blackaffairscouncil@siu.edu
Financial Assistance for Graduate Students
- Prompt Assistantship
- Graduate Dean’s Fellowship
- Morris Fellowship
- Master’s Fellowship
- Doctoral Fellowship